Saturday, October 6, 2018

Westward Kindle and Electronic Versions Are Here !

         I have just heard that the Kindle version and other electronic versions of this book will be available on Amazon now.

It is also up at the other stores:

 The soft cover bound 322 page, 6x9 inch book version has been available there.    Amazon softcover of Westward.

         One computer download version has been available at my publisher, along with the paperback version.      Booklocker page for Westward

        I am not in control of when these versions are available, but I apologize for any inconvenience the lateness of the electronic versions has caused.

         I am hoping for some reviews of Westward, particularly on Amazon, soon.

        I also heard that Barnes and Noble has gone up for sale.   I hope that a buyer will come forward to keep my favorite book store in as close to its current form as possible.



"The Granite Rock" Novel is Available in Varietal Forms

I am pleased to announce that my sixth book, and third novel,  "The Granite Rock" is available as an e-book at the following...